Tuesday 28 December 2021

I'm not a blue engel

For today I chose to pay a simple tribute to one of my favourite actresses bringing together here some paper dolls illustrated by various and talented artists. The 27th of December would be her birthday.
One of the most iconic figures from Hollywood's golden age in the 30's and 40's, the one who became eternal in cinema as a femme-fatale.
Jean Cocteau said: “her name starts as a caress and ends as a lash”. I'm talking about:
 Marlene Dietrich (1901-1992)
Marlene Dietrich by ALberto Vargas
Combining the right dose of talent and beauty with a strong personality, she created the vamp image in dozens of films that filled the imagination of thousands of people around the world, surrendered to her charms for decades in cinema, fashion and politics.
 Her presence was as strong on screen as in real life. Provocative for the time, going against conventional standards, loving men and women equally and challenging powers and institutions, she affirmed the female role and her condition as a woman. 
 During World War II she faced the power of Nazi Germany, refusing her invitation to support the Reich. She supported the resistance, created a fund with Billy Wilder to help Jews and dissidents to leave Germany, being recognized for her commitment and service to the cause receiving decorations from several countries.
 After abandoning the glamour of cinema, she still filled the stages with her presence, performing songs that she immortalized: Falling in Love Again(Can’t Help It), Lili Marlene or La vie em rose. In these shows, her image was still that of a diva, combining glamorous dresses, wigs and stage lighting in whose technique she was expert.
 Afterwards, she withdrew from public life for good, living almost in seclusion, in poor health, in her room in Paris from where she kept in touch with the outside world only by telephone.
“It's the friends you can call up at 4 am that matters,” she said. 
 She also accepted to participate in a biographical documentary entitled simply “Marlene” (1984), by Maximilian Schell, where only her voice is heard, refusing to always be filmed. 
Marlene D. died at the age of 90 and was honoured as a soldier at her funeral. At the ceremony the priest said: "Everyone knew her life as a film and music artist, and everyone knew her difficult moments... She lived like a soldier and would like to be buried like a soldier." 
The rest is history. 😊


From Movie star vamps and scamps by Tom Tierney


Marlene  with different outfits in Great costumes from classic movies by Tom Tierney

Marlene Dietrich by Tom Tierney

Other interpretation by Tom Tierney

Marlene Dietrich with outfits by Ralph Hodgdon

Marlene Dietrich with outfits from her tournee by Ralph Hodgdon
Art work by Barb Rausch

Marlene Dietrich  with outfit from Seven Sinners by Greg Nystrom









Marlene Dietrich by David Wolfe          



A creation by Joan Pitman

Marlene paper doll by Guillem Medina

Artwork by Bente Fredso

Artwork by Christine de Scarlett

 Art work by Alex Gonzales
Para hoje escolhi fazer uma singela homenagem, reunindo aqui algumas paper dolls ilustradas por vários artistas, a uma das minhas atrizes preferidas. Aquela que se eternizou no cinema como femme -fatale, uma das mais icónicas figuras da época de ouro de Hollywood nos anos 30 e 40. Jean Cocteau disse “o seu nome começa como uma carícia e termina como uma chicotada”, estou a falar de Marlene Dietrich (1901-1992). Combinando a dose certa de talento e beleza com uma personalidade forte, criou a imagem da vamp em dezenas de filmes que preenchiam o imaginário de milhares de pessoas ao redor do mundo, rendidos aos seus encantos durante décadas no cinema , na moda e na política. A sua presença era tão forte na tela como na vida real. Provocadora para a época, contrariando os padrões convencionais, amando igualmente homens e mulheres e desafiadora dos poderes e instituições afirmou o papel feminino e a sua condição de mulher. Durante a segunda guerra mundial fez frente ao poder da Alemanha nazi, recusando o seu convite para apoiar o reich. Deu apoio à resistência, criou um fundo com Billy Wilder para auxiliar judeus e dissidentes a sair da Alemanha, sendo reconhecida pela sua entrega e prestação à causa recebendo condecorações de vários países. Depois de abandonar o glamour do cinema ainda preencheu os palcos com a sua presença interpretando canções que imortalizara:Falling in Love Again (Can’t Help It), Lili Marlene ou La vie em rose. Nestes espetáculos a sua imagem era ainda a de uma diva, combinando vestidos glamourosos, perucas e uma iluminação de palco em cuja técnica ela era perita. Depois retirou-se definitivamente da vida pública vivendo quase reclusa, com uma saúde débil, no seu quarto em Paris de onde mantinha contacto com o mundo exterior apenas pelo telefone. “It's the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter” disse ela. Aceitou ainda participar num documentário biográfico intitulado simplesmente “Marlene” (1984),  de Maximilian Schell, onde apenas se ouve a sua voz recusando sempre ser filmada. Marlene D. faleceu com 90 anos e teve honras de soldado no seu funeral. Na cerimónia o padre disse: "Todo o mundo conhecia a sua vida como uma artista do cinema e da música, e todo mundo sabia de seus momentos difíceis... Ela viveu como um soldado e gostaria de ser enterrada como um soldado." The rest is history.

Tuesday 21 December 2021

Santa is coming!

To cheer up your days I'm posting here a brand new paper doll that I drew. It will have some more outfits that I will show later... after Christmas.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and I hope you have many presents under the Christmas tree, many paper dolls but above all things I wish you a good health!

Thank you for visiting my blog.

See you soon, Ho!ho!Ho!


Santa Claus Father Christmas Saint Nicholas bear gay homo erotic art, boneca de papel, bonecas de papel, bambola di carta, cut outs, muñeca de papel, paper dolls, paper doll, paperinukke, paperinuket, papieren pop, papierpuppe, papirdukke, papirdukker, pappersdocka, poupée de papier, papieren aankleedpoppen, papierowa lalka,bambole di carta,бумажные куклы, pappersdockor, kağıt bebekler, klippdockor, muñecas de papel, cut out, papierenpo, papierenaankleedpoppen, paperinuket, papieren poppen, Puppe aus Papier, muñequita de papel, papír baba, boneka kertas,紙人形 papierová bábika, bábóg páipéir, ninot de paper
Santa is coming...


Para animar seus dias estou postando aqui uma paper doll novinha em folha que desenhei. Terá mais alguns looks que mostrarei depois ... depois do Natal. Desejo a todos umas Boas Festas e espero que tenham muitos presentes debaixo da árvore de Natal, muitas paper dolls mas acima de tudo desejo uma boa saúde! Obrigado por visitar meu blog. Até breve, Ho! Ho! Ho! 

Tuesday 14 December 2021


Sometimes we can found interesting stuff on the web... this is the case. I decided to search on Google for a better version of these paper dolls. I found a better version but and some information about them:

"Miller[ SABMiller Alcoholic Beverages] has a very long history of gay marketing, starting in San Francisco in the mid-1970s with sponsorship of the leather-oriented Folsom Street Fair and later Pride Parades.

Early ads began in 1979 in New Orleans' Impact magazine and later in the The Blade in Washington DC. National ads began in 1994, including an extension of the mainstream "Life is Good" campaign and this tongue-in-cheek series of paper dolls.

Miller Brewing Co., along with Anheuser-Busch, have the distinction of being among the few companies that advertises in gay media and also have a mainstream media commercial with a gay theme.

Beer companies are well represented in The Commercial Closet, largely due to an effort in the mid-1990s to pull away from the industry's longterm sexist advertising themes that objectified women. Such commercials were summed up by the Swedish Bikini Team ads from Stroh Brewing Co. for Old Milwaukee. Looking for new material to mine, brewers began extensively playing with gay and transgender themes in their advertising. However, because beer drinkers are stereotypically macho, the tone of many of the ads were more negative.
" - in http://www.adrespect.org/ 

AdRespect promotes advertising that respects diversity, gender identity/expression, and sexual orientation for a more accepting society and better business results

There are three paper doll guys with different outfits for different occasion: beach, camping or disco.

La disco a besoin de vous! :)

It's Miller Time ad's with paper dolls, 1997

It's Miller Time ad's with paper dolls, 1997
It's Miller Time ad's with paper dolls,1997


Às vezes, podemos encontrar coisas interessantes na web ... este é o caso. Resolvi pesquisar no Google por uma versão melhor. Infelizmente não encontrei uma versão melhor, mas encontrei algumas informações sobre eles: "Miller [SABMiller Alcoholic Beverages] tem uma longa história de marketing gay, começando em San Francisco em meados da década de 1970 com o patrocínio da Folsom Street Fair e posteriormente Pride Parades. Os primeiros anúncios começaram em 1979 na revista Impact de New Orleans e mais tarde na The Blade em Washington DC. Os anúncios nacionais começaram em 1994, incluindo uma extensão da campanha popular "Life is Good" e esta série irônica de bonecos de papel. "- em http://www.adrespect.org/ São três bonecos de papel com roupas diferentes para ocasiões diferentes: praia, camping ou discoteca. La disco a besoin de vous! :)

Tuesday 7 December 2021

Baby, there's no other superstar

Always looking for paper dolls or related art ... unfortunately I don't have any bibliographic references of the next paper dolls. I don't remember where I found them and don't have information about where they belong... If you know tell me. I will appreciate that.  ;-) 

See you soon.

Chicago Gay Defender, 1973


Sempre em busca de paper dolls ou arte relacionada com paper dolls resolvi dar uma vista de olhos nos meus arquivos antigos...infelizmente não tenho nenhuma referência bibliográfica das próximas imagens, não me lembro onde as encontrei ou tenho alguma informação sobre onde elas pertencem... Se souber diga-me. Eu ficarei grato. ;-) Até breve.