Showing posts with label baby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby. Show all posts

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Celebrate the world Children's Day with paper dolls

To celebrate World Children's Day I share with you this paper dolls book from my collection Louison grows up: the album of the first seven years.

It is a 50' s coloured edition of  Les editions Variétés published by the James & Jonathan Company (Montreal, Canada) with the following dimensions: 270 x 350 mm.

The book presents Louison, a girl in her different stages of growth, from baby to seven years of age. There are 8 paper dolls and 6 pages of outfits, hats, shoes and accessories to dress and undress and gives many hours of fun!

paper doll grows up baby child girl vintage

dresses girl paper doll vintage book

Para celebrar o dia mundial da criança partilho com vocês este livro de paper dolls da minha colecção Louison grows up: the album of the first seven years. É uma edição colorida dos anos 50 da Les editions Váriétés publicado pela James & Jonathan Company (Montreal, Canada) com as seguintes dimensões: 270 x 350 mm. O livro apresenta a Louison, uma menina nas suas diferentes fases de crescimento, desde bébe até aos sete anos. São ao todo 8 paper dolls e 6 páginas de outfits and chapéus, sapatos e acessórios para vestir e despir e proporcionar muitas horas de diversão!